Teacher Assessment Tool: Marking Scheme for Newspaper Production

21/04/2010 18:23

Part A: News Stories

Total of ___marks

  1. Each article is worth ___ marks.
  2. Articles will be marked for: content quality; spelling, and grammar.


Part B: Headlines

Total of __ marks

  1. Each headline is worth __ marks.
  2. A mark will be given for the fit of the headline in the space, a second mark will be given for the clever use of words.


Part C: Photographs, Clip Art and Illustrations

Total of __marks

  1. All stories must have either a picture, clip art or an illustration. Not all of the art must be used on the page. Show the teacher what was left off, and explain why this editorial decision was made.
  2. Each cutline, clip art or illustration is worth marks. A mark will be given for the work done, a second mark will be awarded based on accuracy and/or creativity.


Part D: Layout & Design

Total of __marks

  1. Placement of the stories based on importance.
  2. Use of hairlines around photos, illustrations, clipart. A mark for each image correctly boxed by a hairline.
  3. Overall style of the page. Do the font styles of headlines match the tone of the articles? Has all of the space been filled by either copy (text) or art?


Part E: Teamwork

Total of ___marks

Each team member will be given marks based on their contribution to the group, willingness to work together and ability to complete the job assigned.


Part F: Individual Effort per Day

Total of  50 marks - 5 marks per day.

Each team member will be given individual marks based on their work effort for that day.  If it is seen that the student is not working the mark would go from 5 to 3, and if seen once more wasting time, the mark will go from 3 to 1.

